(PURSUANT TO EU REGULATION 679/2016; Legislative Decree 101/2018; Legislative Decree 196/2003)
Pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003 and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter “Regulation”), this page describes the methods of processing the personal data of users who consult the website of ANTICA MASSERIA JORCHE accessible electronically at the following address:
We inform the user that following consultation of this site, data relating to identified or identifiable persons may be processed.
This information does not concern other sites, pages or online services accessible via hypertext links published on the site.
Identity of the owner
The data controller is ANTICA MASSERIA JORCHE in the person of its legal representative p.t., with registered office in Torricella (TA), Contrada Jorche, (Email:, Tel .: +39 099 9573232).
Source of data and type of data collected
ANTICA MASSERIA JORCHE collects personal data provided voluntarily by users:
a) when the aforementioned perform a transaction via the website, in addition to other personal data associated with order processing.
The aforementioned data may, by way of example and not limited to, include: name and surname, social security number, e-mail address, shipping and billing address (including postal code, city and country), telephone number, type and quantity of products ordered, order date, order fulfillment status, date and time of service delivery, order value, currency, payment information (credit card number and expiry date), requests for returns or offers for ‘user.
b) relating to the use of the website by the user, for example: IP address, the products displayed and those in the cart; if the user reaches the website through a referral page or a link in a promotional email or advertisement on another website that redirects to the website of ANTICA MASSERIA JORCHE, the company may also collect information on the referral page and promotional email or targeted advertising together with the user’s IP address to analyze the effectiveness of marketing operations (collectively “usage data”).
c) when sending a message using the forms provided for the contact request, or the contact addresses on the site .
The optional and voluntary sending of messages to the contact addresses as well as the compilation and forwarding of the forms on the site entail the acquisition of the sender’s contact data, necessary to provide feedback, as well as all personal data included in the communications .
The data provided will be used with IT and telematic tools for the sole purpose of providing the requested service and for this reason, they will be kept exclusively for the period in which it is active.
Purpose of the processing
Depending on the type of treatment to be implemented, the Data Controller uses:
1) Transaction data to process and fulfill orders, manage payments, communicate with the user about the order, manage any returns, provide customer assistance and allow the collection of products. They will also be used to acquire pre-contractual data and information; exchange information aimed at the execution of the contractual relationship, including pre and post contractual activities; formulate requests or process requests received; manage accounting and tax obligations.
2) the personal data of the interested party may also be processed for marketing and commercial promotion purposes, for surveys and market research with regard to the Services / Products that the Data Controller offers. This treatment can take place, in an automated way, in the following ways: e-mail; sms; telephone contact and can be carried out if the interested party has not revoked his consent for the use of the data.
3) to provide feedback to any communications, requests for information and / or services from users through the appropriate forms or using the address (es) in the contact section;
4) for profiling purposes (eg. automated analysis and / or forecasting of personal preferences and user interests);
Finally, the data will be used to manage and control risks, prevent possible fraud, insolvency or default; prevent and manage possible disputes, take legal action if necessary.
Legal basis of the processing
With reference to the purposes indicated in the previous paragraph, the legal basis of the same is, in relation to the point:
1) the need to execute a contract of which the interested party is a party or to pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the same;
2) the consent expressed by the interested party;
3) the need to execute a contract of which the interested party is a party or to pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the same;
4) the consent expressed by the interested party for the specific purpose
5) the need to pursue the legitimate interest of the data controller (in particular with regard to the prevention of fraud and insolvency).
Cookies and other tracking systems
In order to make its services as efficient and easy to use as possible, this site uses cookies. Therefore, when you visit the Site, a minimum amount of information is entered in the User’s device as small text files called “cookies” which are saved in the User’s web browser directory. There are different types of cookies, but basically the purpose main of a cookie is to make the Site work more effectively and to enable certain features.
cookies are used to improve the User’s overall action
For more information on the cookies used by this website, you can view the cookie policy at the following link .
Data recipients
The personal data processed by the Data Controller are not disclosed, that is, they are not disclosed to indeterminate subjects, in any possible form, including that of making them available or simple consultation. Instead, they can be communicated to workers who work for the Data Controller, or to persons authorized to process the processing as they operate under the authority of the data controller. In this regard, ANTICA MASSERIA JORCHE has engaged third party service providers in connection with the operation of the website, such as hosting service providers, marketing and website service providers, maintenance service providers IT, shipping services and VAT verification services, as well as service providers that allow the integration into the website of other functions that the user can use at his discretion. These service providers, designated as Data Processors, are provided only the personal data necessary to provide the corresponding services and they are not allowed to use or disclose the personal data of the interested parties for other purposes, without the prior authorization of the interested party. .
The data may also be communicated, as strictly necessary, to subjects who, for the purpose of fulfilling orders or other requests or services relating to the transaction or contractual relationship with the Data Controller, must provide goods and / or perform on assignment of the performance or service owner.
Finally, the data may be communicated to the subjects entitled to access it by virtue of the provisions of the law, regulations, community regulations.
In particular, on the basis of the roles and work tasks performed, some workers have been entitled to process personal data, taking into account their respective skills and in accordance with the instructions given to them by the Data Controller.
Transfer of data
In no case does the Data Controller transfer personal data to third countries or to international organizations. However, it reserves the right to use cloud services; in which case, the service providers will be selected from among those who provide adequate guarantees as required by art. 46 GDPR 679/16.
Conservazione dei dati
The Data Controller keeps and processes personal data for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes indicated. Subsequently, the personal data will be stored and not further processed, for the time established by the current provisions on civil and tax matters.
In particular, they will be kept for the entire duration of your registry registration and in any case no later than a maximum period of 12 (twelve) months of inactivity, or if, within this period, they are not associated with the Services and / or purchased the Products through the registry itself
In the case of data provided to the Data Controller for profiling purposes, these will be kept for 12 months, unless the consent given is revoked.
In the case of data provided for commercial promotion purposes for services other than those acquired by the interested party for which he initially gave his consent, these will be kept for 24 months, unless the consent given is revoked.
In the case of data provided to the Data Controller for profiling purposes, these will be kept for 12 months, unless the consent given is revoked.
It should also be added that, in the event that a user provides the Data Controller with unsolicited or unnecessary personal data for the purpose of carrying out the requested service or the provision of a service strictly connected to it, ANTICA MASSERIA JORCHE cannot be considered the owner of these data, and will delete them as soon as possible.
Rights of the interested party
In relation to the data subject to the processing referred to in this information, the interested party is recognized at any time the right to:
– ask the Data Controller to access your personal data and information relating to them (Article 15 of the GDPR); the correction of inaccurate data or the integration of incomplete ones (Article 16 of the GDPR); the deletion of personal data concerning you (upon the occurrence of one of the conditions indicated in art.17, par.1 of the GDPR and in compliance with the exceptions provided for in paragraph 3 of the same article); the limitation of the processing of your personal data (in the event of one of the hypotheses indicated in art.18, par.1 of the GDPR);
– request and obtain from the Data Controller – in the cases in which the legal basis of the processing is the contract or consent, and the same is carried out by automated means – your personal data in a structured and readable format by automatic device, also for the purpose of communicate such data to another data controller (so-called right to the portability of personal data – Article 20 of the GDPR);
– object at any time to the processing of your personal data in the occurrence of particular situations that concern you (Article 21 of the GDPR);
– withdraw consent at any time, limited to the cases in which the processing is based on your consent for one or more specific purposes. The treatment based on consent and carried out prior to the revocation of the same retains, however, its lawfulness (Article 7, paragraph 3, of the GDPR); The appropriate application is submitted by contacting the Data Controller by e-mail at or registered letter with return receipt to Torricella (TA), Contrada Jorche. If the interested party considers that the processing of your data takes place in violation of the provisions of the Regulation, he can lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Authority for the protection of personal data –, as required by ‘art. 77 of the GDPR, or to take appropriate judicial offices (art.79 of the GDPR).
Refusal to provide data
Interested parties cannot refuse to provide the Data Controller with the personal data necessary to comply with the laws governing commercial transactions and taxation. The provision of further personal data may be necessary to improve the quality and efficiency of the transaction. Therefore, the refusal to provide the data required by law will prevent the fulfillment of orders. The additional data indicated in the paragraph “Source of data and type of data collected” are provided on a voluntary basis; however, if the interested party decides not to provide the requested data, ANTICA MASSERIA JORCHE may not be able to provide the services, allow the transaction to be completed via the website or process the order.
Automated decision-making processes
The Data Controller does not carry out treatments that consist of automated decision-making processes on the data of natural persons, except for the interested parties who give their consent to the processing of data for marketing and profiling purposes.
Privacy Policy
Oggetto: Informativa ai sensi dell’art. 13 d.lgs. 196/03 “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personale”
A seguito della disciplina dettata dal d.lgs. 196/03 “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” (di seguito “Codice”) forniamo qui di seguito le informazioni circa l’utilizzo da parte della scrivente società dei dati personali acquisiti in relazione ai rapporti contrattuali intercorsi con Voi/Lei o a quelli che potranno essere intrattenuti in futuro.
Fonte dei dati personali
I dati in nostro possesso, acquisiti in relazione al conferimento degli stessi tramite il sito internet della scrivente o a rapporti contrattuali saranno trattati nel rispetto della normativa vigente, e comunque, con la dovuta riservatezza.
Finalità del trattamento
La raccolta ovvero il trattamento dei dati personali finalità di provvedere in modo adeguato agli adempimenti connessi all’espletamento dell’attività economica della nostra società e in particolare per: esigenze preliminari alla stipulazione di un contratto; adempiere agli obblighi contrattuali nei confronti dell’interessato dando esecuzione ad un atto, pluralità d’atti od insieme di operazioni necessarie all’adempimento dei predetti obblighi; dare esecuzione presso ogni ente pubblico o privato agli adempimenti connessi o strumentali al contratto; dare esecuzione a adempimenti di obblighi di legge. Inoltre il trattamento dei dati viene effettuato per finalità d’invio di materiale pubblicitario relativo ai nostri prodotti o servizi, finalità di marketing o di contatto tramite nostri concessionari o operatori telefonici. Per queste specifiche finalità siamo a chiedervi espresso consenso al trattamento dei dati
Modalità del trattamento
In relazione alle indicate finalità, il trattamento dei dati personali avviene mediante strumenti manuali, informatici e telematici con logiche strettamente correlate alle finalità stesse e, comunque, in modo da garantire la sicurezza e la riservatezza dei dati stessi nel rispetto della citata legge.
Natura della raccolta
Per la stipulazione ed esecuzione del rapporto contrattuale la raccolta dei dati personali ha anche natura obbligatoria dovendosi dare corso agli adempimenti di legge e fiscali, il rifiuto di fornire tali dati comporterà l’impossibilità di instaurare rapporti con la società. Il relativo trattamento non richiede il consenso dell’interessato.
Comunicazione e diffusione
I dati personali ed il relativo trattamento sarà oggetto di comunicazione a società per lo svolgimento di attività economiche (commerciali, gestionali, gestione dei sistemi informativi, assicurative, intermediazione bancaria o non bancaria, factoring, gestione della spedizione, inbustamento e invio corrispondenza, gestione e tutela del credito) o per l’assolvimento di norme di legge (studi commercialisti, avvocati). I dati non saranno diffusi. Potranno venire a conoscenza dei Vostri dati il Titolare del Trattamento e i soggetti interni incaricati del trattamento.
Diritti dell’interessato
L’interessato potrà rivolgersi al Servizio Privacy presso il titolare del trattamento per verificare i propri dati e farli integrare, aggiornare o rettificare e/o per esercitare gli altri diritti previsti dall’art. 7 del Codice (riportato in allegato). In particolare potrà opporsi in ogni momento, sempre attraverso il Sevizio Privacy, al trattamento delle sue coordinate di posta elettronica o telefoniche a fini di vendita diretta o di marketing.
Titolare del trattamento
Titolare del trattamento dei dati è: Antica Masseria Jorche – Contrada Jorche 74020 Torricella Taranto. Art. 7 d.lgs. 196/03 (Diritto di accesso ai dati personali ed altri diritti)
- L’interessato ha diritto di ottenere la conferma dell’esistenza o meno di dati personali che lo riguardano, anche se non ancora registrati, e la loro comunicazione in forma intelligibile.
- L’interessato ha diritto di ottenere l’indicazione:
a) dell’origine dei dati personali; b) delle finalità e modalità del trattamento;
c) della logica applicata in caso di trattamento effettuato con l’ausilio di strumenti elettronici; d) degli estremi identificativi del titolare, dei responsabili e del rappresentante designato ai sensi dell’articolo 5, comma 2;
e) dei soggetti o delle categorie di soggetti ai quali i dati personali possono essere comunicati o che possono venirne a conoscenza in qualità di rappresentante designato nel territorio dello Stato, di responsabili o incaricati. - L’interessato ha diritto di ottenere:
a) l’aggiornamento, la rettificazione ovvero, quando vi ha interesse, l’integrazione dei dati;
b) la cancellazione, la trasformazione in forma anonima o il blocco dei dati trattati in violazione di legge, compresi quelli di cui non è necessaria la conservazione in relazione agli scopi per i quali i dati sono stati raccolti o successivamente trattati;
c) l’attestazione che le operazioni di cui alle lettere a) e b) sono state portate a conoscenza, anche per quanto riguarda il loro contenuto, di coloro ai quali i dati sono stati comunicati o diffusi, eccettuato il caso in cui tale adempimento si rivela impossibile o comporta un impiego di mezzi manifestamente sproporzionato rispetto al diritto tutelato. - L’interessato ha diritto di opporsi, in tutto o in parte:
a) per motivi legittimi al trattamento dei dati personali che lo riguardano, ancorché pertinenti allo scopo della raccolta;
b) al trattamento di dati personali che lo riguardano a fini di invio di materiale pubblicitario o di vendita diretta o per il compimento di ricerche di mercato o di comunicazione commerciale.